Frontend Software Engineer
About Me
As a graduate of the Faculty of History, I like reading books and watching films with historical context. Also, I've played strategy games like Civilization or Total War series for half of my life, which might have boosted my managing skills. Having 2.5 years gap after studying at university, I had finally found that I liked frontend development. It perfectly matched with my humanities interests while also gave engineering video-games-like challenges.
However, it is never enough for me to do frontend, so I like doing backend stuff, trying to do some design for my pet projects, constantly taking more and more responsibilities at work (which made me a team lead on the last project). I don't think I will ever become a super good specialist in a single field (I-shaped), but rather a T-shaped that is proficient enough in one area and has decent expertise in adjacent ones.
Work Experience
Lead Frontend Engineer
Company: Surprise.com (October 2020 - April 2021)
Main Libraries Used: React.js React-Query Styled-Components Formik React-Beautiful-DnD
Description: Surprise.com gets people and teams to perform at their best every day by converting quarterly or annual bonuses to a timescale that aligns with today’s highly stimulated, high-expectation workforce.
  • became a team lead after the old front-end team slowly disintegrated and right before the app's next version had to be released. My responsibilities slowly shifted to making more high-level decisions like using Next.js for our landing page, looking for refactoring possibilities, interviewing new engineers, reviewing pull requests, helping junior and middle developers, etc.
  • worked with the team on our UI library to substitute Antd because the design was too custom, and there was no point to override a lot of styles. Under the hood, Antd also used another large library for working with dates - Moment. As a result, we achieved -60% bundle size, from 4.6Mb to 1.9Mb.
Frontend Engineer
Company: Surprise.com (May 2020 - October 2020)
Main Libraries Used: React.js Redux Antd Formik SCSS React-Beautiful-DnD
  • worked on caching backend state in Redux but ended up with code that only a senior engineer and I understood. After watching a few videos on react-query library and proof of concept on the weekend, I took a risk and rewritten the most complex parts of the app. Later on, after the team had approved the approach, we created a few tickets and migrated the whole app to the new state management library. It reduced complexity while providing new features like caching for free.
Frontend Engineer
Company: SoftServe (October 2018 - May 2020)
Project: NDA
Main Libraries Used: React.js Redux Jest MaterialUI Formik SCSS
Description: Trucks/planes/ships tracking application on a map with live events thought WebSockets. Allows companies to manage trade routes and track their cargo to ensure it is in safe conditions.
  • was working on the next feature when I noticed that our selects started freezing because of enormous data. I talked to senior engineers, and we decided to rewrite the existing select into a virtual one to fix the performance. After a few tries to use a library, I had created a new select from scratch, and we gradually migrated all the forms to use it.
  • wrote a complex encapsulated, highly reusable table module. Initially, it had been a myriad of tables that were reducing maintainability. Also, The table had used Redux under the hood, but after the client approved my idea of saving filters into the browser's URL, I reworked the module to use React Context API. The refactoring solved a busyness need to save filters while moving between pages, and the table became a line of function invocation plus a config object.
  • worked on a Git submodule to move the frontend shared codebase there as we had the copypaste problem. There were a few backend Ruby on Rails gems, so some frontend packs had to be with them. As a result, we removed thousands of code lines.
Personal Projects
Goodreads/Livelib like app to practice Next.js and SSR before using it on production. Together with PostgreSQL and GraphQL.
Personal Website
(2019 - 2020)
Initially started as a project to try out GraphQL. Then I also played with authorization, animation, design, advanced React routing.
CSS to JSS parser
It was a small utility to help my team with migrating old CSS code. Just paste CSS props and get the ready JSS.
Emmet JSS extension for VSCode
MaterialUI v3 uses the JSS approach that didn't have a proper VSCode extension to make writing code faster as Emmet does in native CSS. So I wrote a small snippet extension to cover the most used properties and boost the speed of components styling.
Technologies I confidently work with
Technologies I have some experience working with
PWAFigmaVercelMapboxNode.jsMongoDBPostgreSQLExpress.jsWebSocketsRuby on RailsReact-Beautiful-DnDApollo Client/Server
WebUI course
SoftServe academy
07/2018 - 10/2018
Lviv, Ukraine
Master's Degree in History
Ternopil National Pedagogical University
09/2010 - 06/2015
Ternopil, Ukraine